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Now AI Can Write and Rewrite Its Own Code

In the fast-growing world of technology with new inventions taking place almost every day, the day isn’t far when machines would perform almost everything by themself. In this article, we will discuss AI technology that can write and rewrite its own code.

Talking about technology, AI, which stands for Artificial Intelligence, refers to the intelligence quotient exhibited by machines is a field that’s been growing intensively and in which continuous efforts are being made to achieve higher goals.

Writing & Rewriting of its own code

One of the significant revolutionary development made in the respected field which enables the AI to read, write, and rewrite its own code to increase its intelligence.

As fascinating as it may sound, it is a hazardous prospect as Artificial intelligence is not sentimental, not yet. It might achieve that someday too, but until then, a machine being able to write its own language without any human input and a language not already known to humans is the first step towards machines taking over the planet, which may lead to the technological singularity.

Many scientists and tech experts have already warned the human race about the unpredictable catastrophic consequences that AI can bring.

A machine being able to write and rewrite as witty as it may seem subtextually mean a step forward in the direction of machines being able to operate and re-design itself on their own. And we as humans that are limited by both biological and ecological conditions would never be able to compete with them and at last diminish entirely as a race.
Artificial Intelligence has many uses and a high potential to become extremely useful to humans in various ways to make their lives easier and save a lot of time completing jobs at a lot greater pace than expected manually. Computers, as we already know, has been serving humans in almost all the fields one can think of. Computers can process information or any data faster than humans, and tech experts are imploring this prospect all over the world.

Although this day is very far because there has not been an all developed AI that can wire or rewrites its code. The only thing closer to it was the Facebook AI, which was a negotiation chatbot. But unlike all the journalists and media would like to believe in writing one doomsday article after another on the molded fact on how the Facebook scientists shut down the bot.

After it was believed to have rewritten some of its code for better performance was nothing except shutting down a chatbot because it stopped showing any positive results. The program was based on reinforcement learning, which did not go down well as it failed to identify its own mistakes as mistakes and kept learning from the wrong.


AI can be beneficial, and conscious development in this field will gravely help humans and an AI improving itself can finally be not considered as a threat but a vast resource that can be used in various fields to help humanity.

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