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How To Install And Set Up Ember on macOS X


Ember.js or simply Ember is a JavaScript framework for building scalable single-page web applications. Here in this guide, let’s learn to steps to install Ember on the macOS.

Before jumping in to the installation steps, let’s first learn about Ember and it’s architecture.

Ember allows the development client-side of a web application by providing complete data management and flow.

Another important aspect to notice about Ember is that it is based on MVVM.

What is MVVM architecture?

Ember is based on an MVVM architecture. Model-View-ViewModel(MVVM) is an architectural design pattern to make coding simpler.

In this pattern, a complete project is divided into sections.

There are a lot of JavaScript frameworks available for web application development. Some of the trending in this list are React, Angular, Polymer, etc. Then why we need technology like Ember?

Ember is built to increase productivity. It is designed with developer ergonomics in mind. So that a developer will feel very comfortable while working with Ember projects.

Companies using Ember

We can see a list of some famous companies using Ember.js from the official page of Ember. Some giants in that list are listed below.

So we got some idea about Ember.js and the benefits of working with Ember projects. Now it needs a good and consistent Operating System for working with our important projects.

macOS X is one of the best choices in this category. It has the best hardware integration and fewer virus/malware issues.

Because we are working with web development using Ember, macOS is the best.

Installation steps

Setting Up Ember.js on our macOS system is a very easy process and it can be done by following the steps. Each step is provided with the description which will help us in installing Ember.js in our system without any ambiguity or confusion. Follow the installation steps:

1. Install and Update Homebrew

Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS. We can install all the packages and dependencies required to install Ember using Homebrew. So at first, we need to install it on our system.

To install Homebrew, open the Terminal and run the command below.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

We have installed Homebrew on our system successfully and now we need to update it so that we can get the latest version of packages available on HomeBrew.

brew update

2. Install Nodejs

In this tutorial, we are going to install Ember using the Node Package Manager(NPM). So we need to install Nodejs on our system. NPM will be installed with Nodejs itself.

Nodejs can be installed on our system using the below brew command.

brew install node

Alternative method

Alternatively, we can download and install Nodejs from the official website. If we are opting for this method, then we don’t need homebrew in our system.

Currently, 14.16.0 is the latest version of Nodejs and it can be downloaded and installed on our system using the URL below. 

Select the macOS Installer option and download the pkg file. Then install it on our system.

3. Install Ember CLI

Ember CLI helps us to create projects, generate application and library code, and perform a variety of ongoing development tasks such as testing, bundling, and deployment.

So install the ember-cli tool using the below command.

npm install -g ember-cli

4. Creating new application

So Ember CLI is installed on our system, and now we can create our first Ember app using it.

ember new my-app

This will create an Ember.js project with the name my-app.

5. Running the app

So we have created an Ember app on our macOS system. Now we can run this app with the below commands.

cd my-app
ember serve

This will open up the newly created Ember app on the browser tab with the address http://localhost:4200.


We learned about Ember, a good web development framework, and the steps to install Ember on the macOS system. The installation steps are explained step by step.

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