Creating and hosting a website is much easier in today’s world. Shared hosting was popular in the early years because of the huge maintenance charges we wanted to pay for providers like Amazon Web Services(AWS), Google cloud, Microsoft Azure, etc. These giant companies provide extra […]
Author: Syamlal CM
How to Run a PHP Application on Ubuntu
How to Run a PHP Application on Windows 10 Using XAMPP
Host Multiple Websites on Single Cloud Server with Apache
How to Install and Setup MongoDB on Windows 10
Nowadays we can find that the popularity of Structured Query Language(SQL) is getting decreased and the NoSQL database programs are taking place of it. Discussing with NoSQL databases, the popular one MongoDB a cross-platform document-oriented database program. MongoDB stores the data as JSON like documents other […]
How to Build a Simple Counter App in React
How to Build a Simple Counter App Using React and Redux
Adding an Existing Project to GitHub or Bitbucket
There are lots of hosting service providers for version control using Git such as Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab, Sourceforge, Launchpad, etc. But Here I am only explaining two of them. Github and Bitbucket. GitHub Inc. is a web-based hosting service for version control using Git. It is mostly used for computer code. It […]
Deploy Laravel 5.7 App on VULTR VC2
Laravel is a prominent member of a new generation of web frameworks. It is an open source PHP framework and is getting more attention from developers. It is intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller architectural pattern. Using Laravel, we can develop scalable, […]